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postat pe Fie ca 05 2018

Canada's future depends on improving Foreign Worker Program

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Aprilie 03 2023
Viză de muncă în Canada

The future economic growth of Canada will depend on betterment of Foreign Worker Program. It must be able to access and retain skilled overseas workers to empower the workforce. The future of Canada as a nation will also be determined by implementing sound economic policy. This must be harmony with propelling prosperity for all Canadian nationals.

The provisional Foreign Worker Program collaborating along with the Economic Action Plan of Canada caters to the labor market and economic interests of Canada. The Canadian government has pledged 194.1 million dollars for 5 years in 2018 budget for ensuring protection of rights of provisional Foreign Workers. This is also for enforcement of their rights through a compliance regime that is robust. After 5 years period 33.19 million dollars will be allocated annually, as quoted by the CIC News.

The funds allocated by the government for the provisional Programul Muncitorilor Străini will support sudden inspections of the program. It will also continue the Overseas Compliance Regime and collate data from the labor market for Open Work Visas.

The 2018 budget has also proposed 3.4 million dollars over the next 2 years to launch a pilot network for support agencies for provisional workers to deal with potential abuse from employers. It would also assist workers in informing about wrongdoings. This pilot program would also offer information regarding the rights to remain provisionally in Canada and work in the nation devoid of abuse and harassment.

It is very important for the Canadian authorities of the TFWP to be accountable to the standards detailed under the administrative law in Canada. Their decisions must also be subject to appeal and review wherever applicable. Decisions that are subject to review will be made with an enhanced level of deliberation.

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Programul pentru lucrătorii străini din Canada


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