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postat pe Fie ca 16 2018

Estonia – piața emergentă pentru întreprinzătorii globali

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Aprilie 03 2023
Estonia Entrepreneurs

The most vital factors for being successful are an open and international mindset. Estonia is the most Entrepreneurial Country in Europe and has become a place for emerging, testing and bringing innovative digital solutions to market. Moreover, it offers the prospects to anyone, anywhere to take the advantage of the incredible prospects that Estonia offers as a country.

Estonian startup ecosystem has emerged out of demanding conditions for startups and innovation. A very tiny nation, traditionally with very modest funds available for innovation, yet it produces more start-ups per head of population than any other country in Europe.

Estonia ranks 3rd in Europe with regards to the highest number of startups per capita.  It is a recognized fact that Estonia is a dreamland for startups. This is a nation where Skype, Pipedrive, Planet OS, Starship, Lingvist, Fortumo Toggl, Taxify, Testlio Transferwise, and many others were born.

Whether indirectly or directly, the government is supporting the ecosystem and has assisted in gaining momentum. The startup community has reciprocated well to the initiatives of the government. These include government offered digital identity to overseas nationals, the chance to administer a trusted digital firm, e-Residency, digitization of public agency processes and e-government.

So it’s not astonishing that several of the world’s top investors have collaborated with the Estonian startups. They have shown trust in the global village of innovation and startups.

Dacă cauți să studiezi, să lucrezi, să vizitezi, să investești sau Emigrează în Estonia, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume.


Viza pentru startup pentru Estonia


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