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postat pe Iunie 23 2015

Indians were top migrants to Australia in FY 14

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Aprilie 27 2023

Indians have left immigrants from China, the United Kingdom and New Zealand in choosing Australia as home and has become number one migrants to the island continent during 2013-14, according to the latest figures released by the Australian government.

Australia could be next destination of an active Indian diaspora on the lines of the US, Canada and UK with increasing number Indians choosing the country. Over 207,900 migrants settled permanently in Australia during 2013- 14, the Economic Times reported, citing the government figures released on Wednesday.

The data shows that nearly one in five of the 207,900 migrants who settled permanently in Australia in 2013-14 came from India.

Australia's Migration Trends 2013- 14 report shows that India remained the main source country for migrants with almost 40,000 Indian nationals migrated to Australia in 2013-14. In the same year almost 30,000 people born in India chose to become Australian citizens, according to the Australian government.

Migration continues to be the major component of population growth in Australia. Between June 1996 and June 2013, Australia's overseas-born population grew by 51.2% to 6.4 mn. The substantial growth in over-seas born residents is changing Australia's ethnic composition.

In the past 17 years, the number of China-born Australian residents has more than tripled to 427,590 people.

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