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postat pe Iulie 25 2019

Migrating to Canada? Get the help of an immigration expert

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By  Editor
Actualizat Aprilie 03 2023

Canada has become a popular destination for people wanting to migrate to another country.  The country is a hot choice because of its multicultural ambiance and various job opportunities for a young and skilled workforce.  

If you are planning to migrate to Canada, you would have obviously gone through the official website and probably think that migration is a simple and straightforward process. This is a common misconception.

[box type="bio"] Truth is the various immigration programs and multiple eligibility requirements for Canadian visa can complicate your application process. Hiring an immigration consultant can take away the stress and put you on the right path to success.[/box]

We at Y-axis understand this and will help you through the process. Canada offers three important immigration programs to migrants.  

  • Program Express Entry 
  • Programul nominal al provinciei 
  • Programul de muncitori selectați din Quebec 

We are well–versed with the criteria for each of them and up to date with their dynamic rules to help you choose the right option. 

To qualify you should fulfill the eligibility requirements for the migration program you are opting for.  These immigration programs are based on points. These points are based on factors such as language proficiency, work experience, education, and other diverse factors. You should score adequate points under each criterion for your visa application to be successful. 

Here is a brief description of these migration programs to help you decide on the ideal program that will help you migrate to Canada. 

Program de intrare expres 

This program is open through the year and has no limit on the number of applicants. There are only three categories in this program: 

  •  Programul federal de muncitori calificați 
  •  Programul Federal de Comercianți calificați 
  •  Programul de imigrare Canadian Experience Class 

Pentru a aplica pentru acest program, trebuie să trimiteți o Exprimare a interesului și să vă calificați în cadrul tipului de job menționat la Tipuri de abilități. Pe baza intrărilor dvs., profilul dvs. va primi puncte și va trebui să obțineți un minim de 67 de puncte pentru a găsi un loc în grupul de solicitanți.  

Oficialii din provincii și angajatorii din Canada merg la acest grup pentru a căuta talente care să le satisfacă nevoile. Dacă obții puncte mari, vei primi o invitație pentru a aplica pentru rezidența permanentă (PR). Cu toate acestea, numărul de invitații (ITA) se bazează pe nivelul anual de imigrare al țării. 

Odată ce aveți o idee corectă despre cerințele pentru acest program, mai întâi veți face o evaluare pentru a vedea dacă aveți calificările necesare care îndeplinesc cerințele de eligibilitate. Va trebui sa:  

  • Elaborați un plan de acțiune pentru a obține puncte adecvate în zonele cu scoruri mici 
  • Evaluați cât de bine puteți nota aceste puncte pentru a găsi un loc în grupul de solicitanți 

You can try and do this on your own, but it makes sense to take the help of an immigration consultant who can help you with: 

Assessment of your qualifications 

Creation of customized checklist and templates for documents 

Requirements of key documents  

Submission of online application form 

Guidance on IELTS documents 

Programul de candidați provincial (PNP) 

Under this program, Canadian provinces and territories nominate individuals for Canadian Permanent Residency.  This program was created to help Canadian provinces attract international talent and solve their talent shortage crisis. The provinces are on the lookout for professionals with experience in either technology, finance or education, marketing or healthcare. 

  With this program, you have the option to apply to some of the best Canadian provinces which include: 
  • Prince Edward Island 
  • Ontario 
  • Saskatchewan 
  • Manitoba
  • Nova Scotia 

There are two options when filing an application through the PNP program-valid job offers from Canadian companies or through Express Entry.  

Vă puteți califica prin listele individuale de ocupații solicitate din unele provincii. Veți primi o invitație din provincie dacă ocupația dvs. este pe listă. Apoi, puteți alege o cerere de viză PR Canada. 

Pe lângă documentele obligatorii, solicitanții pentru programul PNP trebuie să își prezinte acreditările educaționale și profesionale.  

[box type="bio"] An immigration consultant can help you with the checklist of documents to submit, processing of the application, documentation, and filing of the applications and its follow-up.[/box]

Programul de muncitori selectați din Quebec 

You can qualify for this program if you have a valid job offer from Quebec or have the required points on the Quebec Selection Grid.  

If you want to qualify for the Quebec Selection Grid you must score at least 50 points based on a set of criteria. If you have a spouse/partner, you must have a score of at least 59 points. You must have the required levels of proficiency in French and English to qualify for this program. 

This entry option has a two-stage process. In the first stage, the verification and the preliminary and selection reviews are done while the second stage is a federal application process. 

Why hiring a consultant makes sense? 

There are various options if you want to migrate to Canada and each one has different eligibility requirements. The questions you would have are: 

  1. Which is the best option for me? 
  2. Which options best match my qualifications and boost my chances? 
  3. Do I meet the eligibility criteria for my option? 
  4. What can I do to get a good score in the points system? 

Finding the answers to these questions, zeroing in on the best immigration route and working for its success can be a drain on your time and energy. Why not hire the services of an immigration consultant? 

You get access to guidance on the right immigration option, preparation of your profile so that it meets the eligibility requirements, processing of your documents and guidance on the visa interviews. 

This professional help will greatly increase your chances of success compared to doing all this on your own.  

Pro-uri: Contra:
Can share knowledge of various immigration programs Give your time and attention to interact with the consultant
Help you understand the various eligibility criteria Submit the documents on a timeline set by the consultant
Help with the templates and checklist of documents
Help in application process
Follow-up of application

As a leader in the immigration consultancy business, our experience and credibility help us understand the nuances of the various Canadian immigration options available for migrants. We help you choose the right option and provide the required assistance for a successful outcome.

Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de produse pentru viză și imigrare, precum și servicii pentru studenții care aspiră la străinătate, inclusiv Viza de studiu pentru CanadaViză de muncă pentru CanadaEvaluare CanadaVizitați Visa pentru Canada și Viza de afaceri pentru Canada. Lucrăm cu consultanți de imigrare reglementați din Canada.

Dacă vrei să studiezi, Lucrează în Canada, Vizitați, Investiți sau Migrați în Canada, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume.


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