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postat pe Decembrie 09 2014

Saskatchewan Receives Increased Allocation For 2015 Nominee Program

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Aprilie 03 2023

The province of Saskatchewan will have 5,500 immigration nominations accepted in 2015, an increase of 775 (or 16 per cent) on the 2014 total. The government of Saskatchewan, which had been seeking an increase in its Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP) for Canadian immigration, has stated that the increased quota will help to alleviate labour market shortages. Saskatchewan currently has the lowest unemployment rate of all the Canadian provinces.

The nominations will be made through the SINP's new Saskatchewan Express category, which will be announced on January 2 and come into operation in early 2015, along with the federal government's new Express Entry immigration selection system.

“The benefits include faster federal processing of permanent residence applications, and a new avenue for businesses looking to fill critical labour market shortages through the recruitment of foreign workers,” said Saskatchewan Minister Responsible for Immigration, Jeremy Harrison, in a press release.

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