Viza de student britanic

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postat pe Fie ca 24 2017

Turkey now a bridge for higher education

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Aprilie 03 2023

Visa de student turc

An opportunity to De studiu în străinătate is a plan which every student possesses. Turkey is that gateway for higher education. The country offers significant benefits for international students who graduate from Turkish Universities. An alternate is that the curriculum is designed so that a student has the opportunity to pursue internship programs related various sectors.

Turkish higher education has been developed over the years both in terms of quality and quantity. You will be surprised to find multiple choices for international students who make it from every corner of the globe. Above all Turkey is a favorite hub for Investitori Internaționali were the chances of finding a relevant a job after the completion of studies are more.

Most of the companies operating in Turcia are European based. One of the key reasons for the numbers to increase is the affordable fees structure where the annual tuition fee is low and the cost of living expenses are affordable.

The higher education is supervised by the Council of higher education (CoHE). Most of the Turkish universities offer courses related to Postgraduate programs the duration is based on institutions and universities. A bachelor’s degree generally takes 4 years to acquire and an associate degree is for 2 years. Unlike any other doctoral programs, the course lasts for 4 years.

Students from over 155 Countries make it to Turkey each year which is a home for 120 state universities and 36 private foundation universities. Most of the state universities offer tuition-free education, and, a YOS Exam is conducted to avail an enrollment into these universities. The exam would have questions related to IQ and Math which is for 90 minutes. Above all Turkey’s seven universities are placed amongst the 100 best in the world rankings.

A few requirements for you to make it as a Student to Turkey is a good percentage and a good score in English language proficiency. The medium of instruction is English and you also would have the opportunity of learning Turkish through private tutoring.

Requirements for a Turkish Student Visa

  • Find a suitable program
  • Align your academic credentials
  • Students must have a bank account on their name
  • Sufficient funds to pay for the visa processing fees. After receiving the visa fees the university issues an unconditional visa letter
  • A Police clearance certificate
  • Language proficiency scores
  • You should be submitting your application online for the admission procedure
  • After the university verifies the documents you would receive a confirmation letter

Documents in Order

  • Pasaport valid
  • 2 white background photos
  • Scrisoare de acceptare de la universitate
  • Bank statements for 3 months
  • Evidence about return tickets
  • Travel insurance is mandated
  • 2 photocopies of the first and last page of the passport

Before you begin with the processing make sure you have a clear statement of purpose. The processing it takes for the visa to be issued is about 8 weeks. Lastly, Turkey is renowned for being the world's fastest growing economies in the global market with a greater reflection due to Studenti internationali who make it for higher studies.

If you have questions to be clarified about study overseas Y-Axis the world’s best immigration consultant and visa expertise will do the needful.


Visa de student turc


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