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postat pe 14 Octombrie 2014

UK announces scholarships worth Rs 15 crore for Indian students

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By  Editor
Actualizat Aprilie 03 2023

The United Kingdom (UK) government has announced the Great Britain Scholarships of worth Rs 15 crore for Indian Students.  The scholarship is a part of the 'Great Britain' campaign (GREAT).

With 396 scholarships on offer, it is a great opportunity for Indian students wishing to make the most of their UK education. The scholarships are a available for 260 under-graduate and post-graduate courses. Which include Engineering, Law, Business, Art & Design, Biosciences and IT; available at 36 UK institutions across England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

Bursele vor fi disponibile pentru diverse domenii, de la inginerie, drept și afaceri până la artă și design și bioștiințe în 57 de instituții din Anglia, Scoția, Țara Galilor și Irlanda de Nord, se arată într-un comunicat emis de British Council. Sunt oferite aproximativ 396 de burse în valoare de 15 milioane Rs și sunt valabile pentru aportul din septembrie 2015 și ianuarie 2016.

The GREAT is a strategic international marketing programme designed to promote the UK to business, tourism and student markets worldwide. Launched in February 2012, the GREAT Britain Scholarships - India is the largest scholarships programme offered to Indian students.

The students can apply for the Scholarship by using the British Council website. They have also launched the GREAT Scholarships Guide 2015, which will assist students with their scholarship search along with all the other important information. The scholarship guide includes a list of participating institutions, details about the scholarships across different courses and universities, details about the upcoming GREAT UK Education Seminars and Education UK Exhibitions and a list of useful websites on studying and living in the UK.

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