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postat pe Iulie 26 2018

Australia to replace UK as 2nd most popular Overseas Studies destination

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023

Australia can soon replace the UK as 2nd most popular Overseas Studies destination globally as per the latest report from Colegiul Universitar din Londra. There has been a marginal growth in the number of overseas students arriving in the UK since 2012. This has been revealed by the report of the Centre for Global Higher Education of the UCL.

Australia could have already surpassed the UK in terms of total overseas students in tertiary education in 2018. If not so, it will definitely achieve this in 2019 and push the UK to the third position. This has been revealed in the report that has been authored by Prof. Simon Marginson. He is the UCL Institute of Education’s International Higher Education Professor and CHGE Director.

Nu a fost a slow growth in the numbers of overseas students arriving at the UK, as quoted by Little India. Meanwhile, a surge in these numbers has been witnessed by Australia în ultimii câtiva ani.

UK received 130,000 plus international students than Australia in 2015. Cu toate acestea, an annual growth of 12-14% in the figures of overseas students has been maintained by Australia. This may have propelled it to surpass the UK.

UK was at the second position in 2015 as the most popular Overseas Studies destination at the global level after the US in 2015 said the report. This was based on the data of the Institute of Statistics UNESCO for incoming overseas students. The rate of growth was swifter in the US than the UK in 2011-15 owing to the open-door policy of the Obama administration.

The numbers of overseas students arriving at the US enhanced by 198,000 in 2011 to 2015 which was an increase of 27.9%. Meanwhile, for the UK the figures were 11,000 which was just an increase of 2.6%.

Dacă sunteți în căutarea de a Studiu, Lucrează, vizitează, investește sau emigrează în Australia, discută cu Y-Axis, compania nr. 1 în domeniul imigrației și vizelor din lume.

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