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postat pe Fie ca 05 2020

The Baltic States to coordinate lifting of common internal borders

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By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023
statele Baltice

The Baltic States – Estonia, Lithuania, and Latvia – will coordinate with each other for the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions on their common internal borders. An agreement has been reached in this regard between the Foreign Affairs Ministers of these countries.

Removal of restrictions at their mutual borders is a part of the overall exit strategy from COVID-19 special measures introduced by the Baltic States in view of the current emergency situation. The decision was taken in a video conference held between the Baltic Foreign ministers on April 29, 2020.

A Press Release by the Latvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reads, “The Foreign Ministers of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia agreed on the need for the most uniform and coordinated solutions possible, gradually lifting restrictions on the internal borders of the Baltic States and resuming cross-border passenger traffic. "

The decision for the lifting of common borders of the Baltic States comes at a time when the Schengen States are developing a strategy for the gradual easing or removal of measures introduced at the borders due to coronavirus.

As the number of infections has dropped significantly, the Schengen States are planning on the resumption of cross-border operations.

In a meeting held the previous week, the Interior Ministers of the EU Member States exchanged experiences, practices, and opinions on combating the virus. The Ministers that took part in the meeting also reflected on the advantages and disadvantages of the joint efforts taken by the Member States in the situation.

The Ministers agreed that there could be a gradual opening of the borders, beginning with the border areas that have registered a decrease in COVID-19 cases.

Dacă sunteți în căutarea de a VizitaStudiu, Muncă, Investi sau Migrați în străinătate, discutați cu Y-Axis, compania nr. 1 pentru imigrare și vize din lume.

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