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postat pe Februarie 11 2019

56% of BC Canada residents think migration has a positive effect

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023

Around 56% of the residents in BC Canada, the provincia Columbia Britanică are of the view that immigrants have a positive effect on the nation. This has been revealed by the latest survey of Research Co.

Discussions pertaining to migration have been dominated by 2 topics in Canada of late. These are Family Reunification and Refugee claimants.

Around 34% of residents of Alberta disagree with the view that talent and hard work of immigrants benefit Canada. This proportion increases to 46% in British Colombia. It is 7 points higher than the national average, după cum este citat de CIC News.

Several factors can transform the local residents’ perception regarding immigration. However, definite contributing factors include housing pressures and alien ownership.

BC Canada was amongst the provinces accepting high levels of immigration 10 years back as the peak of the global financial crisis. It was way forward of the norms nationally acknowledging the advantages of immigrants.

Around 36% of the residents in Canada consider that migration is chiefly having a negative effect on the nation. However, a larger percentage with 56% considers it to have a chiefly positive impact.

A larger number of residents in each province surveyed in Canada tend to possess a positive perception of immigration. The biggest advocates of the existing state of affairs are:

  • Canadians in the age range 18 to 34 years – 55% positive and 27% negative
  • Quebecers in the age range 18 to 34 years – 52% positive and 30% negative

On the other hand, there are 2 groups that are definitely more likely to doubt the advantages of immigration:

  • Canadians in the age range 35 to 54 years – 39% positive and 39% negative
  • Albertans in the age range 35 to 54 years – 41% positive and 42% negative

Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de servicii de viză și imigrare, precum și produse pentru imigranții de peste mări, inclusiv Viza de afaceri pentru CanadaViză de muncă pentru CanadaServicii profesionale gata pentru migranți în Canada pentru serviciu complet de intrare expresCanada Migrant Ready Professional Services for Express Entry PR Application,  Servicii profesionale Canada Migrant Ready pentru provincii, și Evaluarea acreditărilor educaționale. Lucrăm cu consultanți de imigrare reglementați din Canada.

Dacă vrei să studiezi, Apartamente, Vizitați, Investiți sau Migrați în Canada, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume.

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