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postat pe 27 martie 2020

Canada to allow entry for Student and Work Visa holders

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By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023
Canada to allow entry for Student and Work Visa holders

Canada has announced that despite the travel restrictions, foreign workers and international students who already have Visas will be allowed to enter Canada.

Bill Blair, Minister for Public Safety, said that Work Visa and Student Visa holders would be allowed to enter Canada. However, they will need to be in self-isolation for 14 days immediately after entering the country.

The decision to allow these workers and students was taken after the Agriculture industry appealed to the Canadian Govt. The Agriculture sector in Canada is heavily reliant on thousands of temporary foreign workers who work on Canadian farms in the summer.

Quebec employs almost 16,000 farm workers every summer. However, only 20% have arrived so far. 4,000 workers may come by April. These workers are essential for vegetable and fruit producing farms in the French-speaking province. Quebec’s fishing industry also needs around 1,200 summer workers.

UPA is the largest farmers’ union of Quebec. President of the UPA, Marcel Groleau, issued a press release appreciating the decision of the Canadian Govt. He said that disallowing foreign workers from coming into Canada would be disastrous for the Agro-food sector.

Quebec is working with the Federal Govt. of Canada to decide which foreign workers should be allowed to come in. Francois Legault, Quebec’s Premier, wants all overseas workers with a job to be allowed to enter Canada.

With the Coronavirus pandemic spreading across the globe, several countries have imposed travel restrictions. Many foreign workers are finding it extremely difficult to leave their home countries due to the existing travel bans. Many nations have closed down their borders and also banned air travel. The majority of temporary foreign workers in Canada come from Central America and Mexico.

Quebec Premier Legault has said that companies may use charter planes to bring the workers into Canada. However, all workers must be tested for Coronavirus before being allowed to board the flight.

Farmers in Canada are also in favour of the 14-day self-quarantine period for foreign workers.

Leaders of the Agriculture industry in Canada have asked those who have lost their jobs in the Coronavirus outbreak to contact their local agriculture employment centre.

Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de produse Visa și de imigrare, precum și servicii pentru studenții care aspiră la străinătate, inclusiv Viza de studiu pentru Canada, Viza de muncă pentru Canada, Evaluare Canada, Viza de vizită pentru Canada și Viza de afaceri pentru Canada. Lucrăm cu consultanți de imigrare reglementați din Canada.

Dacă vrei să studiezi, Lucrează în Canada, Vizitați, Investiți sau Migrați în Canada, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume.

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