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postat pe August 08 2019

Canada finanțează 800 de proiecte pentru a-i ajuta pe noii veniți să se stabilească în țară

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023
Canada Imigrație

Canada has decided to fund projects that help new immigrants integrate into Canadian communities.

As per a Govt. of Canada media release, the IRCC has currently selected 824 projects. These projects will help new immigrants settle down and adjust to life in Canada.

Ahmed Hussen, Canada’s Immigration Minister, announced at the Boys & Girls Club of Moncton in New Brunswick. In his announcement Hussen said, Canada has been recognized as a world leader in integration and settlement. Canada believes in helping new immigrants learn the language, find work and build a successful life, as quoted by CIC News.

The Boys & Girls Club of Moncton Project proves as an example of innovative programming. The project helps new immigrants use their talents to maximum potential. The project also helps newcomers integrate into the Canadian society and contribute to Canada’s economy and its communities.

Some of the new project initiatives would include:

  • Language training including Workplace-based language training
  • Servicii de angajare
  • Entrepreneurial services
  • Help and support to French-speaking new immigrants
  • Helping the vulnerable population like women, youth, LGBTQ and senior newcomers to integrate into Canadian society
  • Support for the mental health of newcomers as well as well-being support
  • Projects that help to increase the integration and social inclusion in rural, small, and northern areas

Projects that are approved will start being funded by the Federal Govt. from 1st April 2020. The funding will continue till 31st Martie 2025.

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