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postat pe Decembrie 01 2020

Canadian VACs reopen across India, offering limited services

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023
Imigrația canadiană

Canadian visa application centres [VACs] have been reopened across India and will be allowing those applying for Canada study permit or family sponsorship to submit their biometrics.

By ‘biometrics’ is implied the foreign national’s photograph and fingerprints. There is also a fee connected to the submission of biometrics.

India is the largest source country for migrants to Canada. In 2019, Indians received a quarter of all permanent resident visas issued by the Canadian government.

Canada has been found to be the most-accepting country for a migrant.

As per a Notice – by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship India [IRCC] – dated November 25, 2020, “After temporary closures due to COVID-19, visa application centres (VAC-uri) in India are offering limited biometrics appointments for specific, eligible clients ”. 

With the latest development, 4 more Canadian VACs have been reopened in addition to those reopened on November 20, 2020.

VACs are now open to clients in –

  • New Delhi
  • Mumbai
  • Chennai
  • Hyderabad
  • Kolkata
  • Bangalore
  • Pune
  • Chandigarh
  • Ahmedabad
  • Jalandhar

As of now, the services being offered are “limited biometrics appointments for spouses, partners, dependent children and students".

In view of the great demand in India, IRCC will be prioritizing those that will be coming to Canada –

For reuniting with family permanently, applying for Canada PR in the family class [as a spouse, partner, or dependent child]
Pentru studiu at any of the approved Designated Learning Institutions [DILs] and require a study permit for the same

Such applicants can now book their appointments for enrolling their biometrics at any of the VACs in India – New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Bangalore, Pune, Chandigarh, Ahmedabad, and Jalandhar.

An online web form on the VAC website will have to be completed in advance. A confirmation of the appointment by the VAC via email will be required.

Currently, those in India cannot submit their paper-based applications at VACs nor give their biometrics for an application other than for a Canadian study permit or family reunification, as mentioned above.

International students wishing to enter Canada for study abroad purposes will be required to be attending a DLI that has a COVID-19 readiness plan in place. They will also be required to have a valid study permit or a letter of introduction as proof that they had been approved for a study permit to Canada.

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