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postat pe Noiembrie 24 2018

What is E-Verify for US Work Visas?

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023
Visa SUA

E-Verify is a web-based system that permits registered employers to authenticate the eligibility of their employees for US Work Visas. Employers confirm the employment eligibility and identity of freshly hired employees. This is by digital verification of details offered by the employees on the Employment Eligibility Verification I-9 Form. It is against the records available to the DHS - Departamentul de Securitate Națională and SSA - Administrația de securitate socială.

Employers with federal subcontracts or contracts with E-Verify Federal Acquisition Regulation clause must enroll in E-Verify. This is as a condition of federal contracting, as quoted by the E-VERIFY GOV.

It may also be required for the Employers to participate in E-Verify. This is if their States have a law that mandate usage of E-Verify. This is as a condition of business licensing. In some instances, the Employers may be needed to participate in E-Verify owing to a legal verdict.

Toate 50 Districts in the US have E-Verify. It is also present in Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the U.S Virgin Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, and District of Columbia. It is at present the best means to digitally confirm employment eligibility.

1996 Legea privind reforma imigrației ilegale și responsabilitatea imigranților authorized the E-Verify. It is a web-based system that permits employers to digitally confirm the eligibility of their employees for employment.

The employer normally receives the response in E-Verify within just a few seconds. It can confirm the eligibility of the employee for employment. It can also indicate that the employee must take further action for completing the case.

Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de produse pentru viză și imigrare, precum și servicii pentru imigranții care aspiră la străinătate, inclusiv Viza de munca pentru SUAViza de studiu pentru SUA, și Viza de afaceri pentru SUA.

Dacă sunteți în căutarea de a Studiu, Muncă, vizitează, investește sau Migrați în SUA, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume.

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