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postat pe Iunie 24 2017

EU nationals can stay in the UK Post-Brexit says Theresa May

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By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023
Cetățenii UE UK Prime Minister Theresa May has assured that the EU nationals will be permitted to stay in the nation after Brexit. She revealed this during her meeting with the leaders of the European Union which was the first one-on-one with EU leaders since her electoral debacle. Under immense pressure from all quarters ever since her party’s majority in the UK parliament was diminished, Theresa May offered an obvious olive branch to the more than three million EU nationals in the UK. Just one year after the surprise referendum to exit from the EU, the UK is caught up in uncertainty and crisis. The coalition government and the reduced majority of the Tories have raised serious questions regarding May’s ability to go ahead with her plans to give up the membership of the EU single market, as quoted by the New Indian Express. Theresa May addressed the issue of rights of the EU citizens, one of the three crucial priorities for the Brexit talks of the opening stage at the dinner summit with the EU leaders. She said that no EU national will be asked to exit from the UK after Brexit and added that EU nationals residing in the nation for more than five years will be offered the ‘settled status’. May told the EU leaders that the position of the UK on the EU nationals represents a serious and fair offer that intends to give maximum possible certainty to the nationals who have called the UK as their home. She added that the UK expects a similar offer to the UK nationals residing in the EU whose numbers exceed one million. The status of the EU nationals will be incorporated in UK laws and enforceable through the highly revered judiciary in the nation, elaborated May. If you are looking to Study, Work, Visit, Invest or Migrate to the UK, contact Y-Axis, the world’s most trusted Immigration & Visa Consultant.


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