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postat pe Noiembrie 23 2019

What is the Global Talent Independent program of Australia?

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023

Aiming to bring the best talent from across the world, the Department of Home Affairs officially launched the Global Talent Independent program on November 4, 2019.

The Global Talent Independent program (GTI) provides a streamlined and prioritized pathway for highly skilled talented overseas-born individuals to work and live permanently in Australia.

GTI is specifically designed for attracting skilled migrants to the top future-focused fields to Australia. Under the new program, highly skilled migrants in certain selected industries will get a fast-tracked or expedited processing for their Australian permanent residency.

Applications submitted under the Graduate Talent Independent program will get the highest priority for processing.

Who all are eligible for Australia PR through GTI?

Those highly skilled and talented migrants are eligible that –

  • Earn above $149,000 per year in Australia
  • Are highly skilled in any one of the 7 key industry sectors

De asemenea, se va aștepta ca aceștia să îndeplinească verificările standard pentru securitate, caracter și integritate.

What are the 7 key industries covered under GTI?

The key industry sectors are –

  • Tehnologia energetică și minieră
  • Informații cuantice, Digital avansat, Știința datelor și TIC
  • AgTech
  • Securitate cibernetică
  • Spațiu și producție avansată
  • MedTech
  • FinTech

Pâna la 5,000 places will be available under the Global Talent Independent program în 2019/20.

How to apply for GTI?

Programul GTI poate fi accesat printr-o recomandare de la:

  • Un ofițer de talent global
  • O persoană sau organizație care are o reputație națională în același domeniu ca și candidatul

Those highly skilled professionals that are referred to the Department of Home Affairs might be invited to apply for a Distinguished Talent visa, that is, either subclass 124 or subclass 858.

Both subclass 124 and 858 are permanent visas for people that have a globally recognized record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in an eligible field.

The only difference between the two is that while for subclass 124 the applicant must “be outside Australia when this visa is granted”; for subclass 858 the applicant must “be in Australia when you apply and when this visa is granted”.

Where have the Global Talent Officers been deployed?

Global Talent Officers from the Department have already been deployed in –

  • New Delhi
  • Dubai
  • Santiago
  • Berlin
  • Singapore
  • Shanghai
  • Washington DC

Each will be handling many countries in their region. The Global Talent Officers will also be attending expos and other key industry events for the promotion of the Global Talent Independent program.

As per David Coleman, the Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs, “With this program, we are targeting the world’s most highly skilled migrants”.

Further, David Coleman opined that “By enabling local businesses to access the world’s best talent, we will help to grow high growth industries in Australia.”

According to Karen Andrews, the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology, “We can create high-paying local jobs by making Australia a global technology hub and the Global Talent program is a signal to tech companies that we’re open for business.”

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