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postat pe Noiembrie 22 2021

Indian High Commission in Australia Clarifies About OCI Cards and Passports

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By  Editor
Actualizat Aprilie 02 2024

Many of the Indians in Australia has approached the Indian High Commission to know more about the renewal of OCI (Overseas Citizens of India) cards and passports after lifting the COVID restrictions for completely vaccinated travelers.


Raj Kumar, consulul general al Indiei la Melbourne, a declarat că majoritatea membrilor comunității indiene i-au abordat pentru a obține informații despre reînnoirea cardurilor de cetățeni de peste mări ai Indiei (OCI) de când Australia a ridicat restricțiile de călătorie pentru călătorii complet vaccinați. Membrii diasporei indiene din Australia întreabă despre cardurile OCI și vizele înainte de a zbura în India.


All the queries from the Indian members were resolved by the consular members and the latest information about the consular and passport services is updated in the website.


  • Indian High Commission instructs the Indian diaspora to apply for the OCI cards in time.
  • The OCI renewal prerequisites were changed in April 2021 by the Indian government.
  • Individuals who are about to submit their Indian passports and apply for an OCI card are still allowed to travel to their home country.
  • The advisory council has removed the requirements for consistent renewal of OCI cards (to get a new passport) for under 20 individuals.

India further relaxes rules for OCI cardholders OCI cardholders need to make an important note that "they are not allowed to renew their cards by following the instructions from the Indian government given in April this year." All the details will be updated in the OCI portal regularly. Now the recent rules differ from the past ones, and they need to update their details on the OCI portal every time after receiving their new passport. This process is free of charge, but foreign nationals should travel to the consulate. It also stated that the issued new OCI card is applicable under the following conditions:

  • It can be used for getting a new passport after 20 years
  • If the candidate loses their OCI registration certificate
  • For changing the personal details like name, father's name, nationality, etc.

Indians who have already submitted their Indian passport can travel to India on an Australian passport after getting the Indian visa. In contrast, Indians who have accepted Australian nationality can still apply for an Indian visa under any emergency if they are yet to surrender their Indian passports. Need assistance to migrează și se stabilește în Australia? Contactați Y-Axis chiar acum. Compania nr. 1 din lume pentru imigrare și vize.


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