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postat pe Septembrie 11 2021

Indienii se pot muta cu ușurință în Portugalia pentru muncă

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Aprilie 01 2024

The Union Cabinet of Portugal has made an agreement to the recruitment of Indian citizens to work. Soon it will be implemented.

Priveste filmarea: Indians can easily move to Portugal for work now


"This agreement was made between the Government of India and the Government of Portugal. The agreement between the two countries will set an institutional mechanism for partnership. This will definitely increase the cooperation between India and Portugal on sending and accepting Indian workers", says External Affairs Ministry.


Cum te afectează asta? 

The agreement will be opened for the EU member nation to migrant workers during the time of return to India because of the Covid-19 pandemic measures. The agreement will provide new opportunities for skilled Indian workers and professionals.


Încheierea acordului

he agreement concludes that India and Portugal will make a formal arrangement for the recruitment of Indian workers. This benefits Indian workers being paid for enhanced job opportunities to work in Portugal. This mechanism will help the two governments for the easy movement and smooth run in between the countries with maximum benefits and support from both sides. If you are looking to Studiu, Apartamente, Vizita, Investi, Sau Migrați în orice țară, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume. Dacă ați găsit acest blog captivant, s-ar putea să vă placă și...

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