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postat pe Decembrie 09 2014

More Indian Skilled Workers Moving to Australia Than Ever

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023

More Indian Skilled Workers Moving to AustraliaThe news is ripe that Indians are moving to Australia in large numbers in view of growing work opportunities there. The Melbourne Age reported that a study by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) have found more Indians on "457 Visa" than Britons in Australia.

The "457 visa" to Australia, which is a temporary work (skilled) visa, is receiving more applications from India. This visa requires a skilled worker to work in a nominated occupation, for the approved sponsor, and for a period of 4 years.

The latest figures show that India sends more skilled workers to Australia than any other country with a contribution of 23.3.%, followed by Britain at 18.3%, and China at 6.5%.

That apart, more Indians are also applying to migrate to Australia on a permanent visa. In 2012-13, Australia received 40,100  applications from India, 27,300 from Britain, and 21,700 from China.

The report clearly shows that Australian immigration programme is being hailed by the Indian skilled workers, as more and more people continue to file their applications to migrate to Australia

Sursa: Silicon India


457 Visa Programme

Australia Imigrație

Imigrație Australia

Emigrează în Australia


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