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postat pe 19 Octombrie 2020

Japan opens borders for international travelers

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023
Japan opens borders for international travelers

As per an announcement by the Government of Japan on September 25, in principle, individuals holding statuses of residence of ‘student’, ‘dependent’, and others – along with cross-border business travellers – of all countries and regions will be allowed to enter Japan from October 1, 2020.

Provided, however, that the individual is hosted by a company or entity in Japan that can “assure observation of quarantine measures”.

The total number of people that are to be permitted to enter Japan will be restricted. A limit of 1,000 is likely to be placed on the number of foreigners allowed to enter Japan in a day.

With the revised rules, non-Japanese visitors with permission to stay in Japan for 3 months or longer can enter the country. While long-stay visa holders will be allowed entry into Japan, the revision of entry restrictions will still not allow those on Japanese tourist visas to visit Japan.

The relaxation of entry restrictions for long-stay visa holders for Japan will be permitted in phases, initially including those working in cultural, medical or sports-related activities.

Individuals will also be required to have tested negative for coronavirus prior to travelling to Japan. According to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Japan, travelers arriving in Japan will be “required to present the visa and submit a negative COVID-19 test result [original or copy] conducted within 72 hours of the departure time to an immigration officer.”

A 14-day self-isolation on following their arrival in Japan will also be required. Such individuals will also have to give assurances that they would not be using public transport during this period.

Announcing the relaxation of entry restrictions, Japan’s Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga said that it was “indispensable to resume international travel” for revitalizing the economy.

While those intending visits overseas to Japan cannot travel to Japan as of now, the latest relaxation of entry restrictions is a positive step in the right direction from the Government of Japan.

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