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postat pe Decembrie 01 2018

Știți care stat australian a fost selectat pentru viza SISA?

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023

South Australia has announced that it has been selected for the SISA Visa - Supporting Innovation in South Australia Visa. It is a 3-year visa and will be launched in South Australia on a pilot basis, to begin with.

The SISA Visa will promote budding antreprenori de peste mări with business ideas focused around emerging industries. These include Robotics, Medical Technology, Agribusiness, Defense, Big Data, Cyber Security, and Cyber Security.

The applicants will require Government of South Australia’s endorsement to be considered. This is through Immigration South Australia. It will be based on the sign off from the Office of the Chief Entrepreneur or the innovation ecosystem providers.

The application SISA Visa has to be submitted under the Subclass 408 Temporary Activity Visa. This will be under the Endorsed Event stream of the Government of Australia, as quoted by the SBS.

The duration of the Visa will be 3 years based on the time when the Visa is granted. As this is a pilot for South Australia all visas will expire on November 30, 2021.

The requirements for the endorsement application for applicants are:

  • Age must be 45 years at the time of decision for endorsement and subsequent application for the visa
  • Dedication to South Australia
  • Project proposal, idea or Business concept
  • Fulfill all financial, character, and health requirements as specified by the Home Affairs Department
  • Cater to all other requirements as specified by the DHA

The documents include:

  • Passports of the applicants
  • TOEFL/PTE/IELTS – Vocational level English – minimum of 5 in each IELTS band or corresponding scores in other tests
  • Project proposal, idea or Business concept- proof of financials, how it works, and other documents
  • Financial requirement – You must offer declaration in the application form that confirms that you possess adequate funds that are accessible for settling in South Australia
  • Alte documente

Dacă vrei să vizitezi, să studiezi, Apartamente, Invest sau Emigrează în Australia, discutați cu Y-Axis, consultantul nr.1 în materie de imigrare și viză din lume.

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