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postat pe Septembrie 28 2019

Where do the world’s millionaires migrate?

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023
Migration of Millionaires Worldwide

Millionaires or High Net Worth Individuals (HNWIs) are most likely to migrate to another country. There are many reasons for this. Migrating to another country gives them an opportunity to investi in strainatate and expand their business in a foreign country.  Some HNWIs move to other countries to facilitate their children’s education. Getting a residency or citizenship in another country allows them to sponsor their children for a viza de lucru or viza de imigrare without the need for outside help.

Persoanele bogate sunt expuse la o calitate mai bună a vieții din cauza călătoriilor lor frecvente în străinătate. Mutarea în altă țară le oferă oportunitatea de a trăi această calitate înaltă a vieții. Alte motive pentru a migra ar putea fi legile fiscale favorabile sau un mediu de afaceri mai bun.

A report by the Global Wealth Migration Review indicates the migration of millionaires from countries across the world. It also highlights the countries that are most preferred by millionaires and the countries that saw the exodus of most millionaires.

Countries with the maximum exodus of millionaires

According to the report, these are the top four countries where the maximum number of millionaires migrated to other countries.

Țară Net outflow of HNWIs (2018) Percentage of HNWIs lost
China 15,000 2%
Rusia 7,000 6%
India 5,000 2%
Turcia 4,000 10%

A significant exodus of HNWIs to other countries as in the case of Turkey indicates the negative impact of economic and social conditions.

Where are these millionaires migrating?

Switzerland has always been a popular destination for millionaires. Another destination that is becoming increasingly popular is Australia. The favorable factors include:

  1. O economie robustă
  2. Un mediu sigur pentru a crește o familie
  3. Asistență medicală la preț redus
  4. Fără impozit pe moștenire

It is probably due to these reasons that Australia has moved ahead of Canada and France and is becoming a preferred alternative to the U.S.

Țară Net inflow of HNWIs (2018)
Australia 12,000
Statele Unite 10,000
Canada 4,000
Elveţia 3,000


Migration of Millionaires


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