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postat pe Decembrie 19 2018

New EU Short-Stay Visas offer more benefits to legal Immigrants

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023

Parlamentul UE

EU has brought new changes to its Visa rules for legal Overseas Immigrants. The changes apply to the EU short-stay Visas. The Civil Liberties Committee has supported these changes. The Visa rules defines the conditions and procedures for issuing Visa to Immigrants.

The legitimate Immigrants staying in EU for up to 90 days should adhere to the new rules. The draft law passed with 4 abstentions. The Members of the EU Parliament (MEPs) partially supported the proposal. The EU Commission's aim is to provide legitimate Immigration for tourism and business. The country wants to prevent illegal Immigration. This would strengthen the country’s security.

The EU Commission has simplified the Visa and Immigration process as well. This is to make the procedures user-friendly for Immigrants. The country wants to ensure a positive link between the Visa and Immigration policies.

Let’s check out the new changes to the EU Visa Code.

  • Legitimate Immigrants may not be asked to present the applications in person
  • The Visa processing time is reduced
  • Immigrants can submit the application at a different EU state consulate if the one responsible is over 500 Kms away
  • Health Insurance will not be a mandatory criterion for Visa application
  • The Visa processing fee will increase from 60 to 80 Euros
  • Children, the family of EU residents, researchers and students will not have to pay Visa fees
  • Immigrants can apply for a Visa up to 9 months
  • Artists and sports professionals will be offered additional facilities
  • Frequent travelers to EU will get multiple entry Visa

Depending on a non-EU country’s level of cooperation, some decisions will be made by the EU Commission. The following aspects may further change in such cases -

  • Taxa de procesare a vizei
  • The decision on Immigrants’ applications
  • The validity of multiple entry Visa
  • Timp de procesare a vizelor

The next step is to reach an agreement on this law and have it passed by the Country’s legal system. Currently, Immigrants from nearly 100 countries travel to EU on short-stay Visas. As reported by The European Sting, the number of applications is increasing rapidly. In the last 7 years, it has gone up by 50 percent. Hence, to make the system simple and easy to manage, these changes to the Visa Code are essential.

Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de servicii de viză și imigrare, precum și produse pentru imigranții care aspiră la străinătate, inclusiv Viză de afaceri pentru Schengen, Viza de studiu pentru Schengen, Visit Visa for Schengen, Viza de munca pentru Schengen, CV-ul Y-International 0-5 ani, CV-ul Y-International (nivel superior) 5+ ani, Y Jobs, Y-Path, CV Servicii de marketing Un singur stat și O singură țară.

Dacă vrei să studiezi, Apartamente, Vizitați, Investiți sau Migrați în Europa, discutați cu Y-Axis, consultantul nr.1 în materie de imigrare și viză din lume.

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