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postat pe Septembrie 22 2021

Extragerea PNP din Ontario invită 995 de lucrători și studenți internaționali

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By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023
Ontario PNP Draw, Sep 21 Pe septembrie 21, 2021, Ontario held its new provincial nomination and invited 995 workers and international students who had registered profiles in the Expression of Interest (EOI) pool. Among these 995 invitations, 406 were invited for the Foreign Worker Stream with a minimum score of 37. In the remaining 589 invitations, 523 were sent to the International Student Stream with a minimum score of 61. The remaining 66 invitations were sent to candidați la imigrare (36 for foreign workers and 30 for international students within Canada).
Type of Invitations Invitații trimise
Fluxul de muncitori străini 406
Fluxul studenților internaționali 523
Muncitori straini 36
Studenti internationali 30
Foreign Worker stream under Employer Job Offer Category  The Ontario Foreign Worker Stream under the Employer Job Offer category welcomes foreign nationals who have a job offer from an employer in Ontario. The candidates can register for this from outside Canada, as it is not mandated to apply from within Canada after meeting the eligibility requirements. Eligibilitate pentru Fluxul de muncitori străini To get eligibility, you need to have: If candidates want to apply for the Provincial Nominee Program (PNPs), they must register with an EOI profile on the Ontario website. After registering your profile, it will be added to the EOI pool. Ontario allots scores for every profile based on the information the candidate submits. International Student stream under Employer Job Offer The Ontario International Student Stream in the Employer Job Offer category welcomes foreign nationals who have a job offer from an employer in Ontario. Eligibilitate pentru Fluxul studenților internaționali To get eligibility, you need to have:
  • Completed a program at a Canadian Designated Learning Institution,
  • Job offer in Ontario,
  • willing to immigrate to the province
To receive an invitation to apply under this stream, the applicant must register an EOI profile on the Ontario website. Your profile will go to the EOI pool. It will allot the score based on the human capital factors that the province has determined will indicate your ability to integrate into the labor market. Points allotment in Ontario Immigration Ontario ranks EOI profiles based on the following human factors. These include:
  • Skill level of the job offer
  • Experiență de lucru canadiană
  • Salariu
  • Calificativ Educațional
  • Competență lingvistică
  • The region in which you have completed your study or work
Ontario folosește sistemul național de clasificare a ocupațiilor (NOC) pentru a atribui puncte. Notă: The province, Ontario allocates ten additional points if your job fulfills any of the labor market needs. If you are looking to Studiu, Apartamente, Vizita, Investi, Sau Migrați în Canada, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume. Dacă ați găsit acest blog captivant, s-ar putea să vă placă și... Top 10 locuri de muncă în plină expansiune în Canada și SUA



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Extragerea #294 Express Entry invită 2095 de candidați