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postat pe 19 Octombrie 2021

Ontario PNP invită candidați fără o ofertă de muncă

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Aprilie 01 2024

Canada uimește fiecare individ cu politicile sale unice de imigrare. 


Una dintre ele este cea recentă de 'Ontario Express Entry: fluxul priorităților capitalului uman.' Now it is possible to immigrate to Canada without a job offer which is contrary to the thoughts of people all around the world. Unlike most countries, Canada offers new opportunities for foreign nationals to immigrate without first landing a job offer. The Canadian immigration system is a world leader as it provides highly versatile and dynamic immigration avenues to individuals who don't have any job offers and are willing to immigrate to Canada. The most common and easy path to immigrate to Canada is the Express Entry system. Along with this, an equally promising path is the Provincial Nominee Program (PNP).


Sistem de intrare rapidă 

Cea mai promițătoare cale de a emigra în Canada...

Express Entry is the most fastest and easiest immigration system which is based on the Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS). This CRS will allot scores depending on the human capital factors. In most cases, Express Entry candidates do not require a job offer. But having a job offer will add extra points to the candidate's profile, which will increase the chances to receive the invitation to apply for permanent residence in Canada.


Programul nominal al provinciei

Calea excelentă de imigrare în Canada pentru aspiranții fără o ofertă de muncă... 

The Provincial Nomination Program is the optimistic pathway that ensures a balanced distribution of the benefits of immigration throughout Canada. This program allows provinces and territories to set a number of economic immigrants for permanent residence every year. The PNP differs for each province, and each province sets its own nomination requirements. To immigrate to Canada through a PNP, you must first be nominated by the province or territory.


Cum pot emigre în Canada prin OINP fără o ofertă de muncă?

All nine Canadian provinces and two territories participate in the Provincial Nomination Program, including Ontario. The province of Ontario receives one-third of all newcomers to Canada every year. Ontario provides various employment opportunities with high wages, and its diverse population attracts most foreign nationals to migrate and settle permanently. The Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) is the most prominent among the PNPs in Canada. Every year it sends more than 8,000 invitations to apply through multiple streams.


Ontario Express Entry: fluxul priorităților capitalului uman

Candidates willing to settle in Ontario without any job offer need to submit an application under the Ontario Express Entry: Human Capital Priorities Stream. The Human Capital Priorities Stream is specifically designed for skilled foreign workers who like to work and settle permanently in Ontario. Ontario Express Entry HCP Stream is specifically designed for eligible candidates having an active profile in the federal Express Entry pool. These candidates should also meet the following criteria:

  • Limbă
  • Experiență de muncă
  • Mai multe alte criterii au fost necesare pentru a intra pe piața muncii din provincie.

Prin urmare, oferta de muncă nu este necesară, dar candidații trebuie să aibă un profil activ de intrare expres și să îndeplinească cerințele oferite de Ontario, care includ:

  • A avea experiență de lucru în ocupații sau sectoare vizate
  • Invitat să aplice în acest flux

After applying (to get nominated by Ontario and receive a Notification of Interest), the candidates will receive a message through your Express Entry account inviting them to submit an online application to the OINP. The candidates will receive a Nomination Approval Letter if their application is successful. Later on, accepting the nomination in the Express Entry system, applicants will be given 600 additional points towards the Express Entry CRS score. Therefore this will effectively guarantee to receive the ITA to apply for permanent residency with the Government of Canada. In 2021, the Human Capital Priorities Stream is one of the most active Ontario PNP streams, with 4,851 NOIs already issued to Express Entry candidates.


Cerințe pentru OINP Express Entry-flux prioritar de capital uman

Pentru a obține eligibilitatea pentru fluxul prioritar OINP Express Entry-Capital uman, candidații trebuie să:

  • Aveți un profil de intrare expres activ
  • Îndeplinește cerințele de eligibilitate pentru unul dintre Programul Federal de Muncitori calificați (FSWP) sau Clasa de experiență canadiană (CEC)
  • Îndeplinește cerințele de experiență de lucru ale fluxului
  • Să ai o diplomă canadiană de licență, master sau doctorat sau un certificat de studii străine echivalent
  • Demonstrați un nivel de competență lingvistică de 7 sau mai mare din Canadian Language Benchmark;
  • Intenționați să locuiți în Ontario
  • Aveți suficiente fonduri pentru a acoperi costurile de decontare în Ontario

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