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postat pe Decembrie 20 2018

Overseas Students from India are now looking beyond the US

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023

Studenți indieni

The US has always been the most attractive destination to prospective Overseas Students from India. However, their interest has dropped significantly in the last 2 years. Overseas Students aiming for a master’s degree now tend to look at other countries for opportunities.

The American dream has lost its appeal to Overseas Students. Paritosh Prasad, an Indian currently studying in Edinburgh confirmed the same. He said he had researched on Universities and courses from various countries. In Edinburgh, the advantage was that the Master’s course is just 1-year long. Also, the city is emerging to be one of the best in terms of offering good opportunities to Overseas Students.

As quoted by The Economic Times, the number of Indian Students in the US has dropped by 9 percent. In 2017, there was a fall of 3 percent. Tight Regulile vizelor are the root of this phenomenon. Also, there are fewer opportunities for postgraduates in the US. Hence, countries like Australia, Canada and Germany are benefitting from the situation.

Living in the US is expensive. On top of it, if oportunități de angajare are difficult to find, Overseas Students are bound to choose other countries. Rapoartele sugerează că with a master’s degree, they are most likely to find jobs in Australia, France and Canada.

Australia provides Overseas Students with an easier pathway to Permanent Residency. More than 70 percent of Overseas Students from India aim for a master’s degree. Australia is emerging as a leader in offering best master’s courses to them. The number of Overseas Students has increased by 34 percent every year since 2012.

Canada takes the 2nd position in the race of best study destinations. Nearly 84000 Study Permits were issued to Overseas Students from India in 2017. Canada offered nearly 5000 of such permits only for master’s courses. The experience they gain while studying help then in finding suitable jobs in future.

Reports suggest that nearly 88 percent of Overseas Students migrating to France pursue a master’s degree. In 2018, 7500 Indian Students enrolled for master’s courses in the country. The number has increased by almost 2000 from the last year. The benefit that they get is permission to stay in France for 2 more years post graduation.

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