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postat pe Decembrie 05 2019

Why are more Indians interested in the PR of Cyprus and Greece?

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat 30 martie 2024

Permanent Residency programs in Greece and Cyprus are attracting a lot of Indians these days. The economic factors of both these countries are positive for investors. Hence, more Indian investors are now interested in the Permanent Residency schemes of these countries.


To get Permanent Residency in Cyprus for yourself and your family, you need to invest just 300,000 Euros in real estate in the country. For Greece, the amount is even lesser- just 250,000 Euros. Hence wealthy Indians, especially the ones with large families and family businesses, are making a beeline for these countries.


You can become a resident of Cyprus within just 60 days of making the investment. Also, you do not need to be physically present in Cyprus before or after the approval.


Greece has it even better with a turnaround time of just 10 days. Residents can apply for the citizenship of Greece after 7 years.


Both Cyprus and Greece are member states of the European Union. EU residency and citizenship are hallmarks of credibility; hence the PR schemes of both these countries are immensely popular.


The best time to invest in Cyprus and Greece is now as the economic factors are extremely positive for investors at the moment. The number of applications from India, the Middle East and Asia has increased in recent times.


You cannot work in Cyprus and Greece on the residency scheme. However, you are free to set up your business. The Permanent Residency Program includes your family and has lifetime validity.


Another attractive factor is that the rate of corporation tax in Cyprus is just 12.5%. Since January 2000, Cyprus has abolished estate duty and since January 2017 the immovable property tax.


To obtain citizenship of Cyprus through the investment program, you need to invest at least 2 million Euros in real estate in the country.


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