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postat pe Ianuarie 12 2018

Saskatchewan International Skilled Worker category starts accepting 400 fresh applications for Canada PR nomination

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023

Saskatchewan International Skilled Worker category has begun accepting 400 fresh applications. It is a subcategory of Saskatchewan province in the federal Express entry pool. The announcement for accepting the applications was made by the province on 10 January. The acceptance of applications will remain open till the target of 400 is met, as quoted by the CIC News.

Categoria Saskatchewan International Skilled Worker nu impune o ofertă de muncă sau legături cu provincia Saskatchewan. Acesta permite SINP să nominalizeze candidați care sunt deja prezenți în grupul de intrare expres al Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. Ei trebuie să aibă experiență de lucru calificată esențială, educație și competență lingvistică. Alți factori care îi ajută să se stabilească cu succes în Saskatchewan trebuie, de asemenea, să fie satisfăcuți de ei.

Applicants who are successful in receiving the nomination from this province will receive extra 600 CRS points. In 2017, this sub-category of the Express entry pool opened 5 times. It offered Canada PR nominations to 3, 200 immigrants.

The Express entry sub-category of Saskatchewan starts accepting applications without any prior notice. Thus the candidates in the Express entry pool must keep all their documents ready. This will ensure immediate filing of the application once the category opens.

The candidates who intend to apply for the Saskatchewan International Skilled Worker category must fulfill certain conditions. If they reside in Canada, they must possess a legal status. They must possess Profile Number in Express Entry and Validation Code as Job Seeker.

Minimum 60 points out of the 100 points on the grid assessment of SINP are also required. Language test results from a designated assessment agency must be offered by the applicants. These must be on par with the level of language declared in Express entry profile.

Dacă doriți să studiați, să lucrați, să vizitați, să investiți sau să migrați în Canada, discutați cu Y-Axis, compania nr. 1 pentru imigrare și vize din lume.



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