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postat pe Septembrie 05 2019

Top industries and locations of $200K roles in Australia

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023
Top Paying Locations in Australia

There is no denying that salary is a major factor to attract new talent. Recruiters in Australia know this very well. In order to attract the right talent, they must be aware of industries that will pay salaries of over $200,000. Here is an insight into these roles and their location.

Industry- wise:

If we look at the highest- paid salaries based on industry, the top place goes to Information & Communications Technology with 19.2% of roles in the $200,000 bracket. The second place goes to Healthcare and Medical sector which stands at 17.8% while the third place goes to the Construction sector which stands at 13.2%.

If we look at the top three industries in more detail, the top -paying roles in the 200K bracket in  Tehnologia Informatiei si comunicarii is as under:

1 Management de programe și proiecte 16%
2 Arhitecti 15%
3 Management 13%

The top -paying roles in the Healthcare and Medical sector sunt:

1 Medicii generaliști 53%
2 Specialisti medicali 26%
3 Dentystyczny 5%

Top paying roles in the Sectorul constructiilor sunt:

1 Management de Proiect 46%
2 Management 15%
3 Managementul Contractelor 10%

Area wise:

A look at the area wise distribution of roles that pay more than $200,000 in Australia reveals that the highest proportion of these roles is in New South Wales, followed by Victoria and then Queensland. Here is the breakup of these roles in these three regions:

  1. New South Wales-43.9%
  2. Victoria-24.4%
  3. Queensland-15.1%

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Dacă vrei să studiezi, Lucru în Australia, Vizitați, Investiți sau Emigrează în Australia, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume.



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