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postat pe August 04 2017

Trump reveals proposal to adopt immigration system that is based on merit

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023
Atu US President Trump along with two Republican Senate members has revealed a proposal to adopt an immigration system for the US that is based on merit. This immigration plan intends to recognize the highly skilled overseas workers. The proposal presented by US President Trump and Senators David Perdue and Tom Cotton in White House is termed as the act for ‘Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy’. The proposal by Trump intends to reduce the current immigration numbers to the US from 1 million Green Cards offered annually to just 0.5 million every year. This could have a drastic impact on the immigration system of the US. Greater emphasis on highly skilled overseas workers is placed in the latest proposal and it eliminates certain categories of family reunification. The plan that seeks to revamp the immigration system in the US does not give any preference for green cards to adult children or extended family members of immigrants already residing in the US. It also aims to do away with the Diversity Lottery Visas and curb the numbers of refugees offered the US PR, as quoted by the CIC News. Nevertheless, the proposal has a long way to go prior to becoming an Act and could face opposition in the US Congress from both the parties. The direction of the US legislature and executive definitely does appear to be favoring the immigrants. The existing text of the RAISE Bill does not give any details regarding the diverse factors that would be considered. However, Trump said that overseas immigrants who have knowledge of English and are capable to support themselves with their family will be given preference. They would also have to prove that they possess skills for the growth of the US economy. If you are looking to Study, Work, Visit, Invest or Migrate to the US, contact Y-Axis, the world’s most trusted Immigration & Visa Consultant.


Sistemul de imigrare


‘Reforming American Immigration for a Strong Economy’


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