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postat pe Februarie 26 2020

Turkey offers visa-free travel to the UK and six other countries

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By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023
Turkey offers visa free travel to the UK and six other countries

Turkey has announced that it would offer visa-free travel to the UK and six other countries. Începând cu 2nd March, tourists from Austria, Poland, the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and the UK would no longer need a visa to travel to Turkey.

At present, travellers from the UK must apply for an online permit to travel to Turkey. The online permit costs them $35.

The Foreign Affairs Ministry announced that Turkey would provide visa-free service to member states of the EU Schengen Area- Belgium, Spain, the Netherlands, Poland and Australia. Citizens of the UK would also be able to travel visa-free to Turkey for 90 days within a 180-day period from 2nd Martie 2020.

According to the Turkish Govt., the new move would increase Turkey’s tourism potential with these countries. It would also help develop better economic, trade and cultural relations between the countries.

To be allowed visa-free travel, Turkey advises that you must have a passport with at least six months validity. Your passport should also have at least one blank page for entry and exit stamps.

Omer Celik, Turkish EU Affairs Minister, had announced in 2018 that Turkey meets all 72 requirements of the European body to allow visa-free travel to the Schengen Zone. He also said that Turkey had submitted all relevant paperwork for the visa liberalisation process.

While Turkey woos Europe, tension is rising between Russia and Turkey. If the tensions affect tourism in Turkey is something to watch out for.

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