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postat pe 09 Octombrie 2018

Marea Britanie anunță o nouă viză de startup pentru antreprenorii din domeniul tehnologiei

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023

Startup Visa for tech entrepreneurs

Regatul Unit al Marii Britanii is all set to launch a new Startup Visa for tech entrepreneurs in the spring of 2019. This move is in a bid to make more Visas available to foreign entrepreneurs to set up their businesses in the United Kingdom.

Following feedback from the Tech sector in the UK and suggestions from the Comitetul consultativ pentru migrație, the UK Govt. is all set to launch the Startup Visa. This Visa would replace the scrapped Graduate Visa scheme, as per The Guardian. Applicants would need to be endorsed by a University or a business sponsor approved by the UK Govt. to claim eligibility for this Visa.

Actuală Viză de antreprenor de nivel 1 requires candidates to have access to an investment amount of £200,000. This is a difficult proposition for many aspiring entrepreneurs. The new UK Startup Visa would make entry to UK easier for many business aspirants.

Entrepreneurs play a vital role in creating employment and driving economic growth in the UK. The newly announced Startup Visa would ensure that the UK remains one of the leading nations for the best global talent.

Sajid Javid, Home Secretary, said that the UK is proud that it is a leading destination when it comes to tech innovations. The country wants to do much more to attract businesses to the UK and the immigration system of UK could play a key part in it.

This new initiative by the UK Govt. comes on the heels of other recent Visa reforms. Last year, the UK Govt. had increased the CAP limit for the “Exceptional Talent Visa” to 2000 to attract more overseas talent to fulfill UK’s skill shortages.

Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de servicii de viză și imigrare, precum și produse pentru imigranții de peste mări, inclusiv Viza de antreprenor de nivel 1 din Marea BritanieViza de afaceri pentru Marea Britanie, Viza de studii pentru Marea Britanie, Viza de vizitare pentru Marea Britanie și Viza de munca pentru Marea Britanie.

Dacă vrei să studiezi, Apartamente, Vizitați, Investiți sau Migrați în Marea Britanie, discutați cu Y-Axis, numărul 1 mondial în domeniul imigrației și Compania Visa.

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