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postat pe August 22 2019

Apply online for University of Strathclyde Scholarships

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023
Universitatea din Strathclyde

Fondată în 1796 under the name of Andersonian Institute, the University of Strathclyde is the third-largest university in Scotland.

The University has the unique distinction of being considered the first technological university in the U.K. A royal charter was given to the University of Strathclyde in 1964 for the same.

cu scholarships ranging between £2500 and £4000, the University of Strathclyde invites online lapplications from foreign students for the Faculty of Science Postgraduate Elite Scholarships. 

Cine sunt eligibili?

The Faculty of Science of the University of Strathclyde will be awarding scholarships to students from the following subjects –

  • Computer and information Science
  • Chimie
  • Fizică
  • Criminalistica
  • Pharmacy and biomedical sciences
  • Matematică și statistică

Care sunt criteriile de eligibilitate?

For applying for any of the Faculty of Science Postgraduate Elite Scholarships, a candidate is required to –

  • Be paying the full and complete international fees
  • A fi disponibil for beginning their academic studies by the commencement of the academic year in September-October.
  • Hold a valid offer of study for a course at the campus of the University of Strathclyde

Those eligible for the scholarships must also have good English test results, împreună cu un exceptional academic record in the University that they attended.

Care este termenul limită?

The deadline for submitting the online application is August 30, 2019.

Why are two different amounts cited?

Students pursuing MSc programmes in Science will be awarded scholarships of £4000/£3500. Similarly, students on PGT programmes will be awarded £3000/£2500.

While the higher amount will be offered to those applicants that confirm before April 1, 2019; the lesser amount will be offered to those confirming post-April 1, 2019.

Any student who is awarded two scholarships by the University of Strathclyde will have to select from the two, accepting one and forgoing the other.

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