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postat pe Noiembrie 04 2019

All about Work Permits for Belgium

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat 05 martie 2024

Belgium is situated in Western Europe and has job opportunities in service and high-tech industries. If you are thinking of working in Belgium, you must apply for a work permit. Let us look at the different work permits applicable to Belgium.


Work permit exemption:

A permis de muncă is not required if you are a member of the EU or an EEA or Swiss citizen.


You need not apply for a work permit if you are a citizen of any one of these countries - Demarca, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Croatia, Germania, Estonia, Latvia, Franţa, Hungary, Greece, UK, Finland, Italy, Netherlands, Norway etc.


Work permit requirement:

In case you belong to a non-EU country and not an EEA or Swiss citizen, then you must apply for a work permit. You must submit your application for a work permit well in advance. Let us look at the different types of work permits available:


Permis de munca A:  With this work permit, you can work in any job for any employer for an unlimited period.  However, it is not easy to get this permit. It is available only for a certain category of muncitori straini, who have already worked in Belgium for several years with a Work Permit B.


Permis de munca B:  This is a standard work permit given to most foreigners. However, with this permit, you can only work for a single employer. The validity of this visa is 12 months which can be renewed. An employee cannot enter the country without this visa. You can get this permit only if your Belgian employer gets the employment permit in advance.


Permis de munca C: Doar anumite categorii de lucrători străini sunt eligibili pentru acest permis. Le permite să rămână în țară din alte motive decât angajarea, de exemplu studii, azil etc. Valabilitatea acestui permis este de 12 luni, care poate fi reînnoit dacă este necesar.


Cartea albastră europeană: Acest lucru cu rezidență permite angajaților care sunt înalt calificați să lucreze aici pentru o perioadă de trei luni.


Card profesional: If you wish to stay in Belgium as a self-employed professional, then you must get a professional card. This allows a person from outside Belgium to be involved in a specific activity as a self-employed person in the country between 1 to 5 years.


Application procedure for work permits:

Getting a work permit for foreign workers is subject to strict rules. Till recently foreign workers were required to have a residence permit and a work permit to work in Belgium. They had to submit separate applications for them. However, with the adoption of the ‘Single Permit Directive’ in January 2019, a single application can be made for both.


 In September this year, the Belgian government extended the Single Permit rule for the EU Blue Card as well. Now there is a single application procedure for all types of work permits.


Apart from this change, a new scheme was introduced that will allow Belgian employers in specific sectors to hire seasonal workers.


Dacă vrei să studiezi, Vizita, Invest, Migrate or Work in Belgium, talk to Axa Y, the World’s No. 1 Immigration & Visa Company.


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