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postat pe Decembrie 03 2018

Cele mai bune orașe din Canada pentru lucrătorii de peste mări

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat 15 martie 2023
Best cities Canada for Overseas Workers

A recent study shows that cities across Canada are emerging to be the best tech talent markets. Toronto is no doubt the best among all. Other cities like Hamilton, Halifax and Quebec City have found their places in the top 10 tech talent markets list. Ottawa and Waterloo are among the top 5. The country is hence a preferable choice for Muncitori de peste mări.

The report further shows that cities in Canada are striving to become the tech hub. The rankings are based on 13 metrics categorized under three indicators -

  • Tech talent employment
  • Industria high-tech
  • Nivelul de studii

Major tech firms like Uber, Etsy, LG and Samsung are investing in Toronto. Also, office deals by Microsoft, Google and TouchBistro were signed earlier this year. Ottawa comes right after Toronto. It is home to Shopify. According to CIC News, these cities possess the highest concentration of tech employment.

Let’s have a brief look at the 2018 Scoring Canadian Tech Talent Report.

  • In Toronto, 82,100 jobs were created from 2012 to 2017
  • Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa are responsible for 63.1 percent of the country’s job growth
  • In 2017 alone Canada has added 178,800 tech job opportunities that Overseas Workers can avail of
  • Mid-sized Canadian cities have shown a job growth rate of 64.8 percent
  • Oshawa and Ontario are the fastest growing tech talent markets with a growth rate of 71.4
  • Quebec city and Victoria also have secured places in the top 10

Ottawa leads the country with 11.2 percent tech labour concentration. This only indicates how tech-centric the Piața muncii canadiană este. The technologies that are currently trending in Canada are  -

  • Inteligență artificială
  • Robotica
  • Vehicule autonome
  • Dezvoltare de software
  • Tehnologia financiară

The report also suggests that Canada is attracting investments from global tech leaders. It is boasting tech opportunities that can open doors for Muncitori de peste mări. With increasing jobs in the market, the country will need more and more techies.

Canada is about to launch a $950 million innovation initiative for that. It will provide the funding for the development of super clusters in 5 regions of the country. The initiative will no doubt attract more Overseas Workers specialized in technology. These super clusters will comprise 450 businesses and 60 institutions. Also, it will include 180 participants in various sectors that cover 78 percent of the country’s economy.

Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de servicii de viză și imigrare, precum și produse pentru imigranții de peste mări, inclusiv Viza de afaceri pentru Canada, Viză de muncă pentru Canada, Servicii profesionale gata pentru migranți în Canada pentru serviciu complet de intrare expres, Canada Migrant Ready Professional Services for Express Entry PR ApplicationServicii profesionale Canada Migrant Ready pentru provincii, și Evaluarea acreditărilor educaționale. Lucrăm cu consultanți de imigrare reglementați din Canada.

Dacă cauți să studiezi, să lucrezi, să vizitezi, să investești sau Migrați în Canada, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume.

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