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postat pe Februarie 28 2019

Alertă privind viza de muncă în Canada: fondurile de decontare au crescut acum

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By  Editor
Actualizat 15 martie 2023
Canada Work Visa alert

Canada Work Visa aspirants must note that the settlement funds for immigrants arriving through Express Entry in 2019 have been increased. It has been increased to $12,669 in 2019 from $12,474 in 2018 for a single applicant. Similar increases have also been made for each accompanying family member.

The fresh levels are applicable for both Skilled Trades Federal and Skilled Worker Federal programs. These candidates are invited through the Canada Express Intrare. Some of the candidates in Canada Experience Class also need to demonstrate that they possess funds for settlement in Canada.

The increased settlement funds for Canada Work Visa aspirants are as follows:

Numărul de membri ai familiei 2019 Fonduri necesare 2018 Fonduri necesare
1 $12,669 $12,474
2 $15,772 $15,530
3 $19,390 $19,092
4 $23,542 $23,181
5 $26,701 $26,291
6 $30,114 $29,652
7 $33,528 $33,013
Fiecare membru suplimentar al familiei $3,414 $3,361

Solicitanții Viză de muncă în Canada must prove that they possess adequate funds for staying in Canada along with their family members upon arrival. This holds except if the applicant:

  • Is authorized for working in Canada currently
  • Possesses a valid offer of a job from a Canadian employer

It must be noted by the applicants that borrowed cash cannot be utilized to meet the thresholds. They must utilize the money for covering their family’s costs of living.  This is applicable even if the member of the family is not accompanying to Canada, as quoted by the CIC News.

The applicants must also offer evidence to the Canada Visa Office in their home nation. It is that they possess adequate funds while submitting the application for Canadian immigration. The funds must also be available readily. This is both when a candidate submits the application and when the Viza PR Canada este oferit lor.

The required amount of money varies depending upon the size of the family of the immigrant.

Y-Axis offers a wide range of visa and immigration services as well as products to overseas immigrants including Business Visa for Canada, Work Visa for Canada, Canada Migrant Ready Professional Services for Express Entry Full Service, Canada Migrant Ready Professional Services for Express Entry PR Application,  Canada Migrant Ready Professional Services for Provinces, and Evaluarea acreditărilor educaționale. Lucrăm cu consultanți de imigrare reglementați din Canada.

Dacă cauți să studiezi, să lucrezi, să vizitezi, să investești sau Migrați în Canada, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume.

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