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postat pe Decembrie 02 2019

How much can you earn as an entry-level software developer?

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat 05 martie 2024

If you have made a career choice as a software developer, you will obviously like to know about the entry-level salary for your profession. This will influence your choice of company and location when choosing your first job. This post will focus on factors that will impact your salary.


Dezvoltatorii de software sunt plătiți de obicei cu un salariu lunar, mai degrabă decât cu o rată pe oră. Potrivit rapoartelor sondajului, salariul mediu anual pentru un dezvoltator de software entry-level din SUA în 2019 este de aproximativ 57,000 USD într-un an. Potrivit ZipRecruiter, o piață americană a forței de muncă pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă și angajatori, salariul anual pentru persoanele aflate în căutarea unui loc de muncă variază între 64,500 și 48,500 USD. Salariul mediu anual al dezvoltatorilor de software la nivel național este de 57,198 USD pe an, care este salariul mediu anual în multe părți ale lumii.


Some software companies have now resorted to offshoring their work to resources in other countries to reduce the expense of hiring talent in their own country. If you are working in one of these offshoring firms then you cannot expect the same salary level as given above.


The software developer salary can also vary based on the software language you are good in. According to PayScale, this is the average annual salary for a software developer based on his skill:

rang Limbă Salariu mediu
1 C# $67,832
2 JavaScript $70,213
3 SQL $68,378
4 . NET $70,968
5 Java $68,665


Company you choose to work for:

When starting your job search, you might be wondering which companies to apply for. Naturally, you will look at companies that offer you a better pay package. Let us warn you that landing a job in a big company does not necessarily translate into a big pay package especially for entry-level software engineers.


According to, a startup that relies on crowdsourced data to discover and interpret facts about IT companies, an entry-level software engineer in Google gets an annual pay of USD 189,000, while someone at the same level in Facebook can earn an average salary of 166,000 USD.


But remember if you land a position with a good compensation package, you are expected to have a higher level of professionalism when fulfilling your roles and responsibilities. The company will have more expectations if you are getting a higher level of compensation.


Salary and unemployment rate:

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has reported that the present unemployment rate in the software industry is at 1.3 per cent. This is the lowest since the BLS started measuring the unemployment rate. This means that the software companies must offer good salaries on par with their rival companies in order to secure the best talent.


Salariul pe care îl puteți obține ca dezvoltator de software entry-level depinde de mulți factori. Cu toate acestea, asigurarea primului loc de muncă este pasul inițial în progresul în carieră ca dezvoltator de software. Amintiți-vă, cu cât este mai mare numărul de ani pe care îi adăugați experienței dvs. de muncă, cu atât sunt mai mari șansele dvs. de a urca pe scara carierei și de a obține un loc de muncă cu compensații și beneficii mai mari.


dezvoltator de software


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