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postat pe Fie ca 08 2018

400 de locuri de muncă germane create de startup-uri pentru migranți

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Februarie 24 2024

400 German Jobs have been created by startups for immigrants and social enterprises are being transformed into job-generating engines. Integration of immigrants and refugees in Germany remains one of the top questions for the authorities. Out of the diverse possibilities for achieving this, Social startups are one option. These are businesses that combine social responsibility and entrepreneurship.


Deutschland Ankommer Perspektive is the program funded by Social Impact and KFW Stiftung. The former is an agency for social innovation that assists these kinds of startups. Fresh teams have now been awarded funds for the third time. Business founders are supported by the Ankommer program. It offers them grants.


The grants offered by the program are more a means of offering expert advice and assistance and less as direct monetary assistance. The teams can participate in any one of the German Social Impact Labs for a period of 8 months, as quoted by the Deutschland DE. They can also network with other entrepreneurs, utilize office premises, and meet mentors.


The most important criterion for social startups to receive assistance from the program is that the business idea must contribute towards generating jobs for Immigrants and Skills Development. They must also enhance social cohesion from the perspective of entrepreneurship.


The social startups that are expanding the job availability for Imigranți în Germania are from diverse sectors. On the other hand, it has emerged that specific good opportunities for integration of immigrants are offered by restaurant trade. Several social startups have also focused on language teaching and education.


29 teams have received support so far from the Deutschland Ankommer Perspektive. Out of these, 20 have already launched the business, 3 are at the preparatory stage, and 6 have failed.


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