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postat pe 19 Octombrie 2018

Cât de repede poți găsi un loc de muncă în Australia?

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Februarie 29 2024

Intr-adevar, the global job site conducted a survey which showed that Australians take 82 days on average to find a new job. The survey conducted on behalf of Indeed by Lonergan Research surveyed 1,371 Australians between 17th și 23rd Iulie.


Indeed issued a report “Job Hunter: The Complete Guide 2018” which showed that 90% of the job-seekers were not aware of all the job opportunities. 3.7 million Australians are not even aware of what job they are looking for when they start.


46% of the job-seekers agree that the interview is their final chance to make a good impression. However, 50% of them admit that they were not well prepared for their interview.


Gen Y job-seekers were far more successful in landing a new job with almost 38% doing so in just one month. Only 30% Gen X and 25% of Boomers were able to do the same.


A luat Gen Y. job-hunters an average of 67 zile to find a new job. Compared to them, Gen X. a luat 98 zile în timp ce Boomers a luat 100 zile to secure a new job.


Boomers have a tendency of waiting for exactly the right job opportunity which is why it takes them the longest.


The Business Insider quotes Ruby Lee, Job Whisperer of Indeed, that the mental preparation for a new job can be frustrating. Preparing a resume, facing the interview, and wondering if it is the right role can take its toll.


Indeed’s report finds that one-third of Australia’s job-seekers believe that they missed a job opportunity as they did not hear about it in time. More than one-third of Australians were unaware of the kind of job that they were looking for in the first place.


Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de produse pentru viză și imigrare, precum și servicii pentru imigranți aspiranți, inclusiv Migrare generală calificată – Subclasa 189 /190/489 cu revizuire RMA, Migrație generală calificată – Subclasa 189 /190/489, Viza de munca pentru Australia, Vizitați Visa pentru Australia și Viza de afaceri pentru Australia.


Dacă sunteți în căutarea de a Studiu, Muncă, vizitează, investește sau Emigrează în Australia, discutați cu Y-Axis, numărul 1 mondial în domeniul imigrației și Consultant Viza.

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