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postat pe Fie ca 21 2019

Cum să obțineți o viză de muncă în Canada conform IEC?

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Februarie 29 2024

Overseas nationals aged 18 to 30/35 years can obtain the Canada Work Visa under the Young Professionals stream of International Experience Canada program. The eligibility requirements are:

  • Have a signed letter as a proof of contract de muncă or job offer for a role that “enhances your professional development” as per IRCC
  • The job offer must relate to the field of expertise of the applicant
  • Be a national of one of the nations that participate in the IEC as well as have a profile on the Young Professionals pool
  • Have a Passport that is valid for the duration of stay in Canada
  • Be aged between 18 and 30/35 at the time of filing the application and the upper age limit is based on the nation of citizenship of the applicant
  • Possess minimum CAD 2,500 on arrival to Canada for covering initial expenditures
  • Be in a position to take de asigurări de sănătate for the entire duration of the permit under IEC
  • Be acceptable in Canada
  • Possess a round-trip ticket before departure or monetary resources for purchasing a return ticket at the end of the approved stay in Canada
  • Must not arriving with dependents
  • Plătiți taxele necesare
  • Citizens of specific nations must also be resident in the nation of citizenship at the time of submitting an application for Canada Work Visa under IEC

Candidates who are interested must first complete the questionnaire on the website of Imigrație, Refugiați și Cetățenie Canada. It is known as the ‘Come to Canada’, as quoted by the CIC News.  This will offer a preliminary indication of being qualified for a Work Visa under IEC Young Professionals.


Applicants can then create a profile and select to be included in the pool of IEC Young Professionals for their nation. Candidates will be selected from the pool randomly by the IRCC. It will then offer them an ITA or ‘invitation to apply’ for a Canada Work Visa.


After this stage, all the supporting documents must be uploaded by the applicants. They must pay the IEC participation fee which is CAD 150 for 2019. Employer Compliance fee of CAD 230 must also be paid by the employers through their Employer Portal online.


The IRCC staff will take around 8 weeks for assessing your application after submission. It can seek extra documents in this period.


Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de produse Visa și de imigrare, precum și servicii pentru studenții care aspiră la străinătate, inclusiv Viza de studiu pentru Canada, Viză de muncă pentru CanadaServicii profesionale gata pentru migranți în Canada pentru serviciu complet de intrare expresCanada Migrant Ready Professional Services for Express Entry PR Application,  Servicii profesionale Canada Migrant Ready pentru provincii, și Evaluarea acreditărilor educaționale. Lucrăm cu consultanți de imigrare reglementați din Canada.


Dacă vrei să studiezi, Apartamente, Vizitați, Investiți sau Migrați în Canada, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume.

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