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postat pe 25 martie 2019

The top 5 Qs to align your overseas career & personal goals

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By  Editor
Actualizat Februarie 29 2024

Sometimes you may be required to make a choice between your overseas career and personal goals. In this scenario, reflect and ask yourself the following questions before deciding:


  1. Why did I place these goals?

Individuals set aims for diverse reasons. These reasons largely decide if they will stick to these goals or not. Stever Robbins the Executive Coach and Entrepreneur identifies 1 wrong reason. This is when you focus on an outcome without thinking about the journey to achieve it, he says.


  1. Are my goals really stopping me from seriously transforming?

Consider your motivation for achieving the goals and if it is possible to achieve both by changing your thought pattern. Like, you can focus on remaining in the present while executing one task. You should not bother if you are spending adequate time on either of the two.


  1. Do my goals line up with my long-term priority?

You must set lifetime goals that will motivate you to live your future. It’s useless to chase goals that result in a dejected ending. For example, you should not aim for a Management position in an overseas career. This is if you are least interested in developing individuals in any way.


  1. What systems have I created for success?

Daniel Dowling quotes in Fast Company that it is easy to get frustrated initially. This is when you are attempting to progress on any long-term aim.


To avoid this you must have systems in place. You must divide your biggest objectives into monthly, weekly, and daily tasks.


  1. Do I need actually to give up one goal to accomplish the other?

At times, it may be required to give up one aim for achieving the other. However, this does not imply that you must abandon the other forever.


You may have to concentrate on just one at the present. You can focus on the other when you have the resources, headspace, and time to work towards it.


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 Dacă cauți să studiezi, să lucrezi, să vizitezi, să investești sau Emigrează în străinătate, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume.

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