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postat pe 14 martie 2019

The Top 5 ways to improve your overseas career in 2019

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat 07 martie 2024

Laura Little the Chartered Accountants Benevolent Association’s Learning and Development Manager shares with us the top 5 ways to improve overseas career in 2019:


 Ascultare activa

The ability to listen actively will have a huge impact on your performance at work. It will also influence the quality of the relationship with your co-workers. Becoming a better listener will assist to enhance your productivity. It will also improve your ability to negotiate, persuade, and influence. This will also equip you better to avoid misunderstandings and conflict.


Independent thought

Do not fear to voice your independent suggestions even if you are not sure whether your boss will concur. Giving it a thought will show that you are adequately invested in their business. Making these independent suggestions speaks volumes, as quoted by the Accountancy Age.


A fi proactiv

The best leaders do not prefer spending their hand-holding or micro-managing. Your boss will be bust incredibly with a heap of own work to be done and kept track of. Approaching your job role with a proactive and intuitive attitude can be the skills that take your overseas career to new heights.



latest report by Barclays Life Skills revealed that 60% of the employers consider that flexibility has become a more vital skill to be demonstrated by employees. This shows that you are a dependable and safe pair of hands. It also shows that you will not waver in uncertain times and will immensely impress your boss.


Fiind pozitiv

Your attitude can have a huge impact on your workplace standing though it may sound like a no-brainer. The ability to remain buoyant even in adverse times demonstrates your resilience. This will make you the person to be approached in tough times. Also, showing that you are pleased to be there on a day-to-day basis will put you in good stead.


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