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postat pe 30 martie 2019

Top 6 moduri de a crește în cariera ta în străinătate

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat 15 martie 2023
cariera peste ocean

Majority of us tend to concentrate on Certifications, Courses, Projects, and Promotions when we think of developing our overseas career. We seek expansion in roles, higher managerial titles, and extra pay.

However, we miss one very important aspect of this learning puzzle. It is to surround ourselves proactively with individuals who will propel us to success in unpredicted ways. By doing so, we build truly rich lives of purposeful growth, impact, and success.

Here we present the top 6 ways to grow in your overseas career:

Strategic assessment:

Climb higher in your overseas career ladder by learning the skill of critical thinking. Make choices that are informed and take decisions efficiently, as quoted by the HBR Ascend.


Irrespective of your liking, networking will help you in building and strengthening lasting business relationships.

Project managing:

You will need hacks to manage diverse projects. This could be for working with a team, presenting a new business proposal or a new idea.

Work in partnership with others:

Get actionable tips from experts on collaborating with people and producing effective results. This could be with your co-workers, employees, or even your boss.

Recruiting the right people:

Recruiting the right candidates for job roles is critical for business functions to success. You must learn the way to recruit the right people, how to judge the right fit and what to look for.

Complex conversations:

Most people can become anxious with the thought of having a tough conversation. You must learn to handle tough conversations at your workplace.

Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de servicii de viză și de imigrare, precum și produse aspiranților imigranți de peste mări, inclusiv  CV-ul Y-International (nivel superior) 5+ ani, Y Jobs Membru Premium, Reluați serviciile de marketing Un stat și o țară, calea Y – Calea Y pentru profesioniștii autorizați Calea Y pentru studenți și cursanți și Calea Y pentru lucru Profesionisti si cautator de locuri de munca.

 Dacă cauți să studiezi, să lucrezi, să vizitezi, să investești sau Emigrează în străinătate, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume.

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