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postat pe Februarie 15 2019

Cele mai bune sfaturi de carieră de peste mări pentru antreprenorii în robotică

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By  Editor
Actualizat 15 martie 2023
Overseas Career advice for Entrepreneurs in Robotics

Here we present the top Overseas Career advice for Entrepreneurs in Robotics shared by the Cofounder and Chief Technology Officer at Cobalt Robotics Erik Schluntz:

“What I like about both Entrepreneurship and Robotics is that they compel you to be generalists and get your hands dirty. In the majority of the other fields you get pushed towards specialization. You are doing something tiny for a much huge problem and you cannot do anything more. I recommend to fight this to the best possible and remain a generalist.

All problems are inherently cross- stack in Robotics. You can solve an issue mechanically by changing the Robot. It is by the way you control in Electronics. You avoid the problem or approach it differently in Software, as quoted by the Forbes.

In the majority of the scenarios, one of the above solutions will be easier 100 times than the other. However, someone who is an expert in one domain will not realize this. They will get into R&D project for days together while it could have been resolved in just some hours.

There is a famous proverb: ‘Every problem appears as a nail to a hammer’. One of the mottos that we have at Cobalt is that ‘Do not be a hammer’.

Entrepreneurship is precisely the same. It requires you to be good at Leadership, Logistics, Customer Discovery, Marketing, Sales, and Engineering. At the same time, you must also know how to prioritize your time.

You will be doing all of the above on your own for a while. So it is very important to get your hands dirty and get things done and not just talk about it. It can imply that you need to make fifty cold sales calls in 1 day. This could also mean that you hand solder your first set of thirty Circuit Boards”.

Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de servicii de viză și de imigrare, precum și produse aspiranților imigranți de peste mări, inclusiv CV-ul Y-International 0-5 aniCV-ul Y-International (nivel superior) 5+ ani, Y Jobs, Y-Path, CV Servicii de marketing Un singur stat și O singură țară.

Dacă cauți să studiezi, să lucrezi, să vizitezi, să investești sau Emigrează în străinătate, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume.

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