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postat pe Septembrie 08 2020

Care sunt beneficiile lucrului în Estonia?

imagine de profil
By  Editor
Actualizat Februarie 29 2024

An overseas career in Estonia can be a good choice considering the fact that it is one of the hottest destinations for startups in Europe. Added to this, it is one place where you can easily accelerate your career thanks to organizational hierarchy in companies which is conducive to your growth.


Here are some facts that will make you put Estonia on the top of your career destination and reap the benefits of working in this place.

  • Employees in Estonia achieve career goals faster than in other global hubs ICT companies are the largest employers in Estonia
  • According to the World Economic Forum, Estonia is Europe’s number one entrepreneurial country
  • It is third in Europe in number of startups per capita
  • Employers offer numerous mentoring programs

Estonia’s ranking in major indices

  • 1st – OECD Tax Competitiveness Index 2017
  • 1st – Entrepreneurial Activity, World Economic Forum 2017
  • 1st – Internet Freedom, Freedom House 2016 (sharing 1st place with Iceland)
  • 7th – Index of Economic Freedom 2018, The Heritage Foundation
  • 9th – Digital Economy and Society Index 2017, European Commission
  • 12th – Ease of Doing Business 2016, The World Bank

Program de lucru și concediu plătit

The working hours in Estonia are 40 hours per week. The employers here follow a five-day work week.


Employees are entitled to 28 days of paid leave in a year.


Salariu minim

The minimum monthly wage for full-time work is 584 Euros per month or 3.84 Euros per hour.


The income tax here stands at a flat rate of 20 percent.


Prestații de securitate socială

Employees in Estonia who are here on a temporary residency permit or right of residence can be insured when their employer pays their social tax. The social tax is paid at a rate of 33% on all payments made to a foreign employee.


This will entitle employees to health insurance coverage in Estonia and provide access to public healthcare.


Concediul de maternitate și parental

In Estonia, the maternity leave is for 20 weeks (140 days) and a mother can avail this 70 days before the expected due date of the child.  Apart from this, when a child is born, 320 Euros is given as a childbirth allowance.


Parents in Estonia can avail 435 days consecutive or inconsecutive parental leave. However, both parents cannot use this leave at the same point of time.


Alte beneficii

The country offers a clean environment and has a low crime rate. The cost of living here especially rental expenses are lower compared to other countries in Europe. The free public transport and access to health care benefits provide you with more disposable income. The added bonus is English is widely spoken here making communication with others easy.



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