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postat pe Ianuarie 16 2019

INZ a cerut să mărească personalul pentru a îndeplini cerințele de procesare a vizelor

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By  Editor
Actualizat Fie ca 10 2023

INZ a cerut să mărească personalul pentru a îndeplini cerințele de procesare a vizelor

INZ has been urged to enhance the staff numbers to cater to the Visa processing demands. A group of tourists from China was scheduled to begin their one week New Zealand tour in January. They are yet to receive the Visitor Visas from Imigrație Noua Zeelandă. This is even after waiting for 2 months.

Questions are now being raised whether INZ will be in a position to cater to the anticipated increase in Visa applications. This is because 2019 is being marked as the New Zealand China Tourism Year, as quoted by the NZ Herald Co NZ.

Meanwhile, INZ has said that it is making efforts for coping up with the increasing demand for Visa processing. Simon Cheung the Chair of Travel and Tourism Association NZ China has said that the agency clearly requires more employees.

The agency is processing around 45,000 Provisional Visas. This is inclusive of 19,000 onshore and 26,000 offshore applications.

Cheung said that delays in Visa processing give a negative impression. This is even prior to the beginning of the vacation and offers bad reputation to New Zealand, he added. Minimum 10 to 20% rise in Chinese tourists’ numbers is anticipated. We are working with both Customs and INZ for ensuring smoother arrivals and entrance for the travellers, he added.

100,000 plus travellers from China arrive at New Zealand annually. This is on group visits and their Visa applications are often filed as one group. Sometimes, just one applicant of the group may have an issue with their application. This can delay the Visas for the entire group.

Simon Cheung said that the association was eager to assist INZ with details on requirements for entry of visitors. He advised the prospective Chinese visitors to file their applications early online through its 200 and more members.

Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de servicii de viză și imigrare, precum și produse studenților/imigranților care aspiră la străinătate, inclusiv Noua Zeelandă Student VisaViza permis de rezidentImigrația din Noua Zeelandă, Viza Noua Zeelandă și Vize de dependenta.

Dacă sunteți în căutarea de a Studiu, Vizitați, Muncă, Investește sau Emigrează în Noua Zeelandă, discutați cu Y-Axis, numărul 1 mondial în domeniul imigrației și Consultanți în viză.

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