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postat pe Iunie 24 2019

GTS offered 24,000 Canada Work Visas in 2 years

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By  Editor
Actualizat 05 martie 2024

Fluxul global de talente has offered 24,000 Canada Work Visas on the past 2 years. This was announced by the Government of Canada last week marking the 2nd year anniversary of its Global Skills Strategy.


The GTS offers employers in Canada with easier access to provisional overseas workers with work experience in 13 categories of occupations. This includes fields like Mathematics, Engineering, Technology, and Science – STEM and Information Technology.


The occupations that are covered by the GTS include:

  • Ingineri de calculatoare
  • Programatoare computerizate
  • Ingineri de software
  • Software Designers
  • Web designeri
  • Dezvoltatori web

Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Minister Ahmed Hussen issued a statement on the occasion. The Tech sector in Canada has struggled historically to attract the talent required to scale up, he said. It is this talent that we had precisely in our mind while launching the GTS, added Hussen.


ICTC Information and Communication Technology Council in Canada has projected 216,000 job openings in the nation’s ICT sector by 2021.


The Canadian Government announced in March 2019 that the GTS was being made permanent. This was welcomed by many industry stakeholders including the Council of Canadian Innovators.


The stream permits Canadian employers to file an LMIA - Evaluarea impactului pe piața muncii that is facilitated. It relinquishes the need to demonstrate that they first attempted to hire Canadians and PR residents. This speeds up the procedure of LMIA approval.


The statement elaborated that the GTS was launched to fill job openings that are not being filled y Canadians. Workers in Canada are among the most highly skilled and educated in the world. However, for firms in Canada to remain competitive globally, they must also be able to draw the best overseas talents. More than 1,100 employers in Canada have used the GTS since its inception in 2017, reads the statement, as quoted by the CIC News.


Hussen said that roughly 25% of those who received Vize de muncă în Canada through GTS are arriving from the US. Most of them are citizens of India, he added. Roughly 16,000 family members were accompanying the principal Visa holders. They also benefitted from access to Study and Work Visa, he informed.


Employers who utilize the GTS must devise a Labour Market Benefits Plan. This must elaborate on both the compulsory and complementary benefits of recruiting skilled overseas talents for the labour market in Canada. It includes those such as skills, job creation, and training investments.


Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de produse Visa și de imigrare, precum și servicii pentru studenții care aspiră la străinătate, inclusiv Viza de studiu pentru Canada, Canada PR, Canada Migrant Ready Professional Services for Express Entry Full Service, Canada Migrant Ready Professional Services for Express Entry PR Application, Canada Migrant Ready Professional Services pentru provincii și Evaluarea acreditărilor educaționale. Lucrăm cu consultanți de imigrare reglementați din Canada.


Dacă vrei să studiezi, Lucrează în Canada, Vizitați, Investiți sau Migrați în Canada, discutați cu Y-Axis, cea mai mare companie de imigrare și vize din lume.


Pentru cele mai recente actualizări și știri despre imigrația în Canada, vizitați: /canada-immigration-news

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