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postat pe August 22 2018

Job salary alone, not a major factor for choice of Overseas Course: Report

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By  Editor
Actualizat 11 martie 2024

While choosing an Overseas Course, job salary or security alone is not the major driving factor for students according to the latest survey. Education and Employment Research Center researchers of the Universitatea Rutgers held the survey for 49,000 plus Studenti de peste mari. These were studying at diverse fields and levels of study, as quoted by the Study International.


The participants of the survey were based at the 3 campuses of the Rutgers University at Newark, Camden and New Brunswick. These were divided into 3 categories:

  • No data are given
  • Given data on median salariu
  • Given data on variation in earnings and variation in the condition of job security

The students were then offered a choice of 6 broad fields:

  • STEM – Mathematics, Engineering, Technology, and Science
  • Stiinte Sociale
  • Umanistică
  • Sănătate
  • Educaţie
  • Afaceri

The participating students took the survey for all conditions with 3 crucial questions regarding each field of study:

  • personal salary anticipation for full-time jobs 5 years upon graduation
  • Percepția de siguranta locului de munca on a scale of 9 to 1
  • The probability out of 100 of completing a degree in the field of study

It was found by the researchers that salary data was not a major influence. This was for both choices of course by the students or their job security perceptions. The researchers have said that the choice of an overseas course by students is a highly intricate process. It is influenced by several factors.


The information on salary alone is likely to be inadequate to sway the decision of students substantially, concluded the researchers. The research findings contradict the common perception in the present times. Este believed generally that students are choosing their majors depending chiefly on the links to jobs.


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Dacă sunteți în căutarea de a Studiu, Muncă, vizitează, investește sau Migrați în Canada, discutați cu Y-Axis, consultantul nr.1 în materie de imigrare și viză din lume.

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