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postat pe August 08 2018

Top 10 joburi de peste mări pentru absolvenți: Glassdoor

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By  Editor
Actualizat 11 martie 2024

The biggest challenge to Bachelor level students is finding Ocuparea forței de muncă în străinătate upon completion of the University program. It is time to find a suitable job that will launch their Cariere de peste mări.


The aspiring overseas graduate workers would also like to be aware of the most popular jobs, as quoted by the Study International.


Glassdoor the employer rating and job search website has analyzed 10s of 1000s of resumes in the last year. The firm has then identified the most common jobs for University graduates. This is for the initial five years upon completion of University.


The list is topped by Ingineri de software in the first position followed by the inginerii at the second rank. This implies that an Engineering degree is the first step to success in today’s world. A foundation focused around skills for problem-solving serves you well both in life and career. This is demonstrated by the leaders of Silicon Valley in the present times.


Students get to explore the intersection between scientific principles and creativity in Engineering. This is in their pursuit to develop or design structures and machines. They also seek to develop manufacturing processes or apparatus beneficial to people.


The Glassdoor list below ranks the most popular Ocuparea forței de muncă în străinătate on the basis of the median base pay package:

rang Ocupaţie Median Base Pay in $
1. Inginer Software 90,000
2. Inginer 70,500
3. Analist Financiar 64,453
4. Web Developer 60,960
5. Analist de date 60,000
6. Operations Manager 59,000
7. Account Manager 50,000
8. Social Media Manager 44,000
9. coordonator de marketing 43,000
10. Manager de caz 37,000


Y-Axis oferă o gamă largă de servicii de viză și de imigrare, precum și produse aspiranților imigranți de peste mări, inclusiv CV-ul Y-International 0-5 aniCV-ul Y-International (nivel superior) 5+ ani, Y Jobs, Y-Path, CV Servicii de marketing Un singur stat și O singură țară.


Dacă sunteți în căutarea de a Studiu, munciți, vizitați, investiți sau migrați în țara dorită, discutați cu Y-Axis, numărul 1 mondial în domeniul imigrației și Consultant Viza.

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